Thanks, LV101!
You may have a point there! I always appreciate your dropping in. Funny how art and poetry get a different response on FB. Dozens of replies.
C'est la guerre!
Thanks, LV101!
You may have a point there! I always appreciate your dropping in. Funny how art and poetry get a different response on FB. Dozens of replies.
C'est la guerre!
well unfortunately i was unable to get out of today gracefully so here i am in sacramento california at what i fear may be the most boring convention to date.. heck there aren't even any entertaining apostates to watch .
anyway,i am just posting as a quiet f.u.
to the org..
My friends and family prolly rubbed elbows with you, NikL.
Esse quam videri and millie210:
Thank you so much! I'm on FB and Photobucket. PM me, if interested.
Both are eternal, vast, each in their way.
I rise slowly yet inexorably from Mother's protective embrace.
I reach towards Father, life giver, mentor.
He draws me up as spiraling vapor that is phantom-like but possessing true substance.
Under the aegis of Sky, I harness my chariot to Sister Wind and travel Earth's four corners, showering my bounty upon her children.
They laud me; they thank me.
However, I look upward towards Father, downward towards Mother.
It is their approbation I seek. It is they who have given life and continued existence.
Praise must be directed accordingly.
well unfortunately i was unable to get out of today gracefully so here i am in sacramento california at what i fear may be the most boring convention to date.. heck there aren't even any entertaining apostates to watch .
anyway,i am just posting as a quiet f.u.
to the org..
We're staying tuned, NikL, as you post further from my city of origin.
Our condolences and loving support for you and fellow sufferers during this weekend of challenge!
my freedom came with a heavy cost.
i couldn't stand the dishonesty so when my sister went out of town on a trip i told my parents that i no longer wanted to be a jw.
when my sister got back and i told her she was so angry, said she really wanted to slap me, then she ran off sobbing, a few minutes later she deposited every gift i ever gave her in front of my door.. my entire family has turned against me.
"Here on this site you have found many that will continue to support you through this. We will help you to see truth, to stand in truth and be made strong by truth." -- notalone
The above explains my being here for some eleven years. I'm finally standing on my own two feet, so to speak, but not every issue has been resolved favorably for me at this point. There's seldom closure on every matter affecting us. We are, after all, human, hit by forces outside ourselves as well as those from within. Ah, what a ride it's been!
Hang in there, Kiddo!
i am getting new appliances.
i have decided on black stainless for the finish.
the house is stubbed for gas and electric for the range.
"If you have the outside vent and plumbing (or are willing to pay to install them), gas. If not, and the wiring is already in place, electric. Gas needs an outside exhaust vent for safety. And if your gas is propane instead of natural gas, it also needs a floor level vent (because propane sinks--it is heavier than air)."
-- GLTirebiter
All the ranges I described are propane; we have no natural gas lines in our gated, mountain community. I appreciate GLT's warning as I sometimes smell the gas, which is odorized because it is naturally without odor.
my freedom came with a heavy cost.
i couldn't stand the dishonesty so when my sister went out of town on a trip i told my parents that i no longer wanted to be a jw.
when my sister got back and i told her she was so angry, said she really wanted to slap me, then she ran off sobbing, a few minutes later she deposited every gift i ever gave her in front of my door.. my entire family has turned against me.
Good morning, Saethydd:
May I likewise express my sympathy regarding this difficult time both you and family are experiencing.
Adding to my thoughts posted on your earlier thread, it is important to take the high road. My mate and I were hard on our child who refused to conform to the Society's ways. As I wrote you, we woke up and let our kid stay. No meetings, no participation in family study, etc.
My point is that our child has been the sane, loving, and forgiving one. JW parents can be so blind to where the fault really lies. The entire blame is placed on the one leaving. Thirty years later, we have a great relationship with our child.
Blessings and peace.
just wanted to say hello and thank you for all of your comments.
when i finally figured out this was not the truth it was nice to know i wasn't the only one - it was a surprise to learn how many there are.
february was my last month of service after 43 active years.
Thank you, Finally Left, for sharing your fascinating story.
You'll be hearing much the same from other board members -- stay tuned!
Best Wishes.